
Click by click to the right machine The VOLLMER product finder

With our product finder, you'll find the perfect VOLLMER solution for your individual requirements quickly and easily. The more information you enter, the more accurate our machine recommendation will be. It usually only takes three clicks – tool type, grinding material, and machining process – to find the right product. You can then refine your search further. And, of course, our experts are happy to advise you in person.   

VGrind 360S

Grinding machine for the complete machining of carbide tools up to 200 mm in diameter

VGrind 340S

Grinding machine for the complete machining of carbide tools upwards of 0.3 mm in diameter

VHybrid 260

Machine for grinding and eroding rotationally symmetric tools

IoT Starter Package

QS 860 & QSF 860

Highly efficient disc erosion machines for the production and servicing of PCD circular saw blades.

Performance Package

CS 860 & CSF 860

CS 860 and CSF 860: For all TC circular saw blades from 80-860 mm diameter. For tool manufacturers, sawmills, sharpening services and end users. For everything that comes along.

Visual Support & Visual Instruct

VGrind 260

Grinding machine for complete machining of rotary tools with maximum flexibility

VGrind neon & VGrind argon

The two special editions for that perfect VOLLMER touch

VPulse 500

Wire erosion machine with customized five-axis kinematics for machining PCD-tipped rotary tools. Powerful control in combination with the new VPulse EDM erosion generator. Innovative operating concept, reliable software, highly developed human-machine interaction.

QXD 250

Disc erosion machine with six CNC-controlled axes for the complete machining of PCD-tipped precision tools. NEW: With powerful VPulse EDM erosion technology.

QM eco select

Disc erosion machine with five CNC-controlled axes and two manual axes. Automatically erode and measure tools with unsupported clamping. For cutting edges made of PCD and other hard materials.

CP 650

Four CNC-controlled axes for automatic machining of carbide-tipped circular saw blades with different diameters and tooth geometries on the face and top.

CPF 650

Grinding machine with five CNC-controlled axes for peripheral grinding on both sides. For automatic machining of carbide-tipped circular saw blades with different diameters and tooth shapes on the side angle.

CHC 840

Flexible sharpening machine for carbide-tipped circular saw blades up to 840 mm in diameter. For workshop-oriented grinding of saw blades in aluminum, plastics and, in particular, wood processing.

CHC 1300

Flexible sharpening machine for carbide-tipped circular saw blades up to 1300 mm in diameter. For workshop-oriented treatment of saw blades in aluminum, plastics and particularly in wood processing.

CHF 840

Side machining of saws for the saw mill industry, woodworking, plastics processing, aluminum processing and metalworking.

CHF 1300

CNC-controlled machine for sharpening tooth sides on carbide-tipped circular saws up to 1300 mm in diameter.

CHP 840

Universal sharpening machine for carbide-tipped circular saw blades up to 840 mm in diameter. For workshop-oriented grinding of saw blades in wood, aluminum and plastics processing, and also in metal processing.

CHP 1300

Universal sharpening machine for carbide-tipped circular saw blades up to 1300 mm in diameter. For workshop-oriented grinding of saw blades in wood, aluminum and plastics processing, and also in metal processing.

CHX 840

Versatile sharpening machine for TCT circular saw blades up to 840 mm in diameter

CHX 1300

Versatile sharpening machine for TCT circular saw blades up to 1300 mm in diameter

CM 200

Sharpening machine with eight CNC-controlled axes and measuring equipment. For automatic machining of carbide-tipped circular saw blades with different diameters and tooth geometries on the face and top. Option: Preparation for connection to an ND robot system.

CMF 200

Machine for machining the side angle on carbide-tipped circular saw blades.

CM 300

Sharpening machine for machining of tooth faces and tooth tops on carbide-tipped circular saw blades.

CMF 300

Machine for machining the side angle on carbide-tipped circular saws with a circular saw blade external diameter of 200 to 1440 mm.


Grinding machine for flank grinding on one side of the saw blade. For manual machining of carbide-tipped circular saws with different diameters.

QR 270

Disk erosion machine with eight CNC-controlled axes. For automatic measurement and erosion of PCD circular saw blades on the tooth top. Can be connected to an ND robot system.

QF 270

Disk erosion machine with eight CNC-controlled axes. For automatic measurement and erosion of PCD circular saw blades on the sides. Can be connected to an ND robot system.

ND 230

With four CNC-controlled axes. With double gripper and three loading carriages. To load a sharpening machine automatically with up to 250 circular saw blades.

Circular saw blade external diameter: 100 to 630 mm

ND 250

With four CNC-controlled axes. With double gripper and five loading carriages. To load a sharpening machine automatically with up to 450 circular saw blades.

Circular saw blade external diameter: 100 to 630 mm

ND 270

With four CNC-controlled axes. With double gripper and seven loading carriages. To load a sharpening machine automatically with up to 650 circular saw blades.

Circular saw blade external diameter: 100 to 630 mm

ND 320

With four CNC-controlled axes. With double gripper and two loading carriages. To load a sharpening machine automatically with up to 150 circular saw blades.

Circular saw blade external diameter: 200 to 840 mm

ND 340

With four CNC-controlled axes. With double gripper and four loading carriages. To load a sharpening machine automatically with up to 350 circular saw blades.

Circular saw blade external diameter: 200 to 840 mm

ND 360

With four CNC-controlled axes. With double gripper and six loading carriages. To load a sharpening machine automatically with up to 550 circular saw blades.

Circular saw blade external diameter: 200 to 840 mm

LG 21H

Brazing unit for manual soldering and unsoldering of carbide teeth on circular saw blades of different diameters.

Circular saw blade external diameter: 100-830 mm

N 173

Measuring equipment for circular saw blades

CB 200

Sharpening machine for carbide-tipped band saw blades.

CB 400

Automated sharpening machines for carbide-tipped band saw blades.

CBF 400

Automated sharpening machines for carbide-tipped band saw blades.

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Address115 Enterprise Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15275